Creating and Maintaining Subscription Orders

Agreements with a customer to take out a subscription are registered in the window Subscription Orders.

In many ways, this window is similar to the window Sales Orders in the Sales Orders module. The window Subscription Orders is used for the registration of information about the customer and the subscriptions that a customer wishes to take out.

If the customer has not ordered a full subscription, you can enter a period of delivery. This period will then determine the issues of the current subscription that the customer will receive.

The invoicing form and due date are normally based on the selected subscription. You can, however, to a certain extent adjust the invoicing according to the customer’s needs in the window Subscription Orders. One limitation is that you can only change a periodical invoicing form to another type of periodical invoicing. In other words, it is not possible to change invoicing per delivery to periodical invoicing, or vice versa.