Set up Global Dimensions

The 10 dimensions below are considered Global Dimensions.

Attention: For more information about dimensions and the 12-dimensional chart of accounts, refer to the Introduction to the G/L Module section.

If you want to derive other dimensions from the ones listed below, you must specify them in the related window. See Deriving Dimensions for details.

Note: In the table below, the Description column indicates only the recommended use for each dimension. However, you can customize this as needed. Your use of dimensions reflects the way your company chooses to view its financial data.
Dimension Description
Company You can identify your entities or company structure using the Company dimension, by creating a new company for each entity in your organization. You may also include consolidating companies. This dimension must be used for your entities and cannot oftentimes be repurposed.
Account You can identify your various GL accounts using the Account dimension. This dimension must be used for your chart of accounts and cannot be repurposed.
Location Use this window to create the locations you want to refer to when the Location dimension is used in Maconomy’s other windows.

For example, you might use “location” to indicate company offices in different regions, such as New York City and London, or departments within a company, such as Sales and IT. Therefore you may choose to purpose the Location dimension as “Office” or “Department”.

Entity Use this window to create the items you want to refer to when the Entity dimension is used in Maconomy’s other windows.

Oftentimes, our customers will use the Entity dimension to identify the Department to which their Employee belongs to, for departmental reporting by employee.

Project Use this window to create the project values you want to refer to when the Project dimension is used in Maconomy’s other windows.

For example, you may choose to identify the various project types or service types that you provide as an organization (i.e. if you are a CPA firm you may have projects delivered Estate Tax, Individual Tax, and Corporate Tax, as such each of these values would be in the Project dimension list.

Purpose Use this window to create purposes you want to refer to when the Purpose dimension is used in Maconomy’s other windows.

This is just another means for you to identify one of those ‘lens’ in which to view your business. For example, perhaps your Location dimension is your Project Department, your Entity dimension is your Employee Department, the Project dimension is Service Type, then perhaps the Purpose dimension is Project Office, or another relevant tag.

Specification 1-10 Use this window to create other values you want to refer to when the Spec. 1 (or 2, 3, etc.) dimension is used in Maconomy’s other windows.

One such example is Client Industry. To support Industry reporting, you could use the Spec. 1 dimension as Industry and thereby generate full P&L reporting to show how profitable your company is in Manufacturing, versus Health Care industries that you service.