Miscellaneous Details Concerning Time Entry

There are certain details to take note of when working on time entries.

  • Be aware that your time sheet entry can be rejected if it is not a legal combination of activity, dimensions, and task as specified in the window Job Allocation Combinations.
  • If a date has been specified in the field “Work Completed On” in the window Jobs for the job on which you wish to register entries, it will not be possible to make time sheet entries on that job after the date specified, unless you are the project manager of the job in question. See the description of the field "Work Completed On" in the window Jobs for further information.
  • If employee control has been selected for a job in the window Jobs, Employee Control, or Job Tasks, you can only enter registrations on the job in question if you either appear in the job's budget of a certain type or are listed in the job's employee control list. For more information, please see the description of the field "Employee Control" in the window Jobs. However, employees who have been selected in the detailed resource plan for a job in the window Detailed Planning in the Resource Management module can always make registrations on the job, irrespective of any employee control on the job.
  • If you use detailed planning, you can choose to have Maconomy automatically create time sheet lines based on the detailed planning at the creation of time sheets, and you can choose whether these time sheet lines should be pre-filled by period or by day. This is done by specifying values in the job parameter "Pre-fill Time Sheet Lines" in the job parameter type "Planning" assigned to a job. If this parameter is used, and a time sheet is created for a week, Maconomy checks whether the detailed planning contains any confirmed allocations of the current employee for the week in question. If this is the case, Maconomy creates a number of time sheet lines that correspond to the detailed planning lines for the week. In other words, for all the planning lines specifying that the employee in question will be working on a specific task, the system will create a corresponding time sheet line. If lines are added to the detailed plan after the time sheet has been created, you can select the action "Transfer Plan" to update the time sheet with the lines added to the plan. For more information, please see the description of the action "Transfer Plan."
  • On time sheet lines on which time activities have been specified, you can enter an estimate of the time you believe is required to complete the task in question, if it is assigned to a job set up to use estimated time to completion. You can also choose to mark the task on a time sheet line as completed, if you believe that your part of the work on the task is finished. If you specify an estimate, your project manager can see and use your estimate to update the planning budget and re-estimate the future resource requirements for the task.