Job Transfer Concepts

When you transfer a job, Maconomy transfers all open entries to the new job, so that financial statistics are still tracked correctly.

In this workspace, you can:

  • Use selection criteria to choose the jobs to transfer.
  • Define the set of dimensions to which the jobs will be transferred and the date on which the transfer should occur.
  • Submit and approve job transfers.
When a job transfer is approved, Maconomy creates a job transfer journal. When you post this journal, Maconomy:
  • Creates new job entries that are associated with the new dimensions. The entry date of the new job entries is the transfer date that you specified in the Transfer Date field, or the entry date of the original entry, if that date is after the transfer date.
  • Closes the original job entries that are associated with the old dimensions. The G/L entry date of the new entries is the entry date, or the first date in the open G/L posting interval for the job's company and the job's executing company, if that date is after the entry date.

Invoice Lines

When you transfer an open job entry to new dimensions, Maconomy automatically creates a job invoice line associated with the new dimensions. The invoice date of the invoice line is the G/L entry date of the new job entry.

This means that when you transfer a job, Maconomy transfers the invoicing basis of the job to new dimensions, but does not transfer the actual entries of the job. The entries associated with the new dimensions do not contain any entered amounts or quantities, but instead contain an invoicing basis of open billing prices. This means that you cannot reallocate the new entries after you transfer them. For this reason, a job transfer should be considered as a sale of an invoicing basis, rather than an actual reallocation of the job.

If you transfer a partially invoiced job entry that contains proposed values, Maconomy subtracts the previously invoiced quantity from the proposed quantity before it applies the proposed quantity. For example, an original job entry contains 40 hours with an invoice proposal of 30 hours, of which 25 hours have already been invoiced. When the job entry is transferred, it includes the remaining 15 registered hours, but only 5 hours are proposed for invoicing. Note that the amount to invoice cannot be less than zero and no amount greater than zero can be credited if the job entry includes a negative quantity.

G/L Postings

The G/L postings that occur as a result of a job transfer depend on the capitalization method that you selected for the job:

  • If a job is capitalized at cost price, only the accounts for work in progress receive postings.

  • If a job is capitalized at billing price, postings are also made to the accounts for open cost and open billing price and to the two accounts for internally transferred cost and sales.

In the time gap between transferring a job and posting the resulting transfer journal, you cannot approve invoice selections or reallocate entries for the job.

If a job has open entries that you selected for reallocation, you cannot transfer the job. You must complete the reallocations or deselect the entries before you continue with the job transfer. This rule ensures that no work-in-progress entries occur in the original dimensions after you transfer the job entries to the new dimensions.

If you selected the Automatic posting of job transfers system parameter, Maconomy posts the transfer journal automatically, and no time gap occurs.