Draft Invoice Creation Fields

This section describes the fields and actions on the Draft Invoice Creation workspace.

Selection Criteria Panel

Field Description
Jobs with Open Billing Price Only Select this checkbox to only display jobs with open billing price, that is, job entries that have not yet been invoiced.
Jobs with Amount for Invoice Only Select this checkbox to only display jobs that contain entries with amounts for Invoicing on Account.
Jobs with Invoicing Plan Lines for Invoice on Account Only Select this checkbox to only display jobs with an amount transferred from the invoicing plan.
Jobs with Failed Action Only Select this checkbox to only display jobs with a failed action.
Job Number Select the appropriate job number range to display the draft invoices for those specific jobs.
Job Group To show the draft invoices for jobs with a specific job group, select an option from the drop-down list.
Customer Group To show the draft invoices for jobs with a specific customer group, select an option from the drop-down list.
Project Manager To show the draft invoices for jobs with a specific project manager assigned to them, select an option from the drop-down list.
Company Select the appropriate company number range to display the draft invoices for those specific companies.
Customer Select the appropriate customer range to display the draft invoices for those specific customers.
Bill to Customer Select the bill to customer range to display the draft invoices for those specific bill to customers.

Card Part Actions

Button Description
Click this icon to refresh data in the current workspace.
Save Click this action button to save changes to the current record.
Revert Click this action button to undo unsaved changes made to the current record, or to any of its lines.
Delimit... Click this action button to create an invoice selection for all open entries on the jobs displayed based on your specified selection criteria.
Transfer Invoicing Plans... Click this action button to transfer any due lines in the invoicing plans of the specified jobs to the current invoice selection.
Create Drafts... Click this action button to create draft invoices for all the specified jobs based on your selection criteria.
Print Drafts Click this action button to print all draft invoices for the specified jobs.
Other Actions In the Draft Invoice Creation workspace, this drop-down list includes the following actions:
  • Remove Drafts - Click this action button to delete any unwanted draft invoices.
  • Undo Transfer Invoicing Plans - Click this action button to undo any transfers from the invoicing plan.
  • Transfer Task Groups - Click this action button to update the task group information of the selected jobs to reflect the current work breakdown structure of the job budget.
  • Apply Invoice Proposals - Click this action button to apply all values proposed by the project manager and/or the employee on the selected job entries.
  • Calculate Invoice Surcharge - Click this action button to calculate surcharge based on the job surcharge rule specified on the jobs separately.

Table Fields

Field Description
Show Lines Toggle on/off to show/hide the lines matching the values specified in your selection criteria.
Show Totals Toggle on/off to show/hide the total number of jobs applicable for draft invoice creation.
Create Draft

Select this checkbox to create a draft invoice for the current line.

This checkbox is automatically selected after using the Delimit… action.

Drafts Exist This field specifies whether a draft invoice exists for the current line.
Job Number This field displays the job number.
Job Name This field displays the job name.
Customer Number This field displays the number of the customer associated with the job.
Customer Name This field displays the name of the customer associated with the job.
Bill to Customer Number This field displays the number of the bill to customer associated with the job.
Preferred Invoice Date This field displays the invoice date specified when you created the draft invoice.
Amount for Invoicing This field displays the amount sent for invoicing.
Amount for Invoice on Account This field displays the amount sent for invoicing on account.
Invoiced Previously This field displays the billing price total that was previously invoiced to the customer.
Last Invoice Date This field displays the date of the last invoice made for the job.
Failed Action This field specifies whether the selected action has failed.
Failed Action, Message This field displays why the selected action failed.
Print Draft Click this icon to print a draft invoice for the job on the current line.

Table Actions

Button Description
Click to export the rows from the current table to a spreadsheet.

Maconomy exports the table, and immediately downloads the resulting spreadsheet to your local drive.

Click to display the filter row on the current table. You can then enter criteria in any of the filter row fields to display only select table rows.

Click to maximize the table view.

Click to restore the default display size of the table.

Click to open the Customize Columns window.