Zero Value in Price List Lines

The zero value on price list lines may be used in two different ways.

By default, the zero value is used in price list lines to indicate that Maconomy should derive the sales price from a different source in the system, such as an employee sales price. However, there are instances when it is preferable to use zero as a value to indicate that additional markup or such is not needed.

In certain situations, you can use the zero value instead to indicate that you do not want Maconomy to derive values from another source. Specifically, this functionality is available for markup, intercompany pricing, price adjustments, and base salary. To use this option, you can select one of the following checkboxes, as appropriate:

  • Zero Markup %
  • Zero Standard Markup %
  • Zero Intercompany Price %
  • Zero Adjustment %
  • Zero Base Salary Markup %
  • Zero Standard Base Salary Markup %

This can apply to both job-specific and general price list lines.


In the standard price list, a markup of 10% is specified on amount activities so all registrations will apply 10% markup. On one particular job, the markup must be 0% on amount registrations. To indicate that Maconomy should not derive values from another source, you can specify on a job-specific price list that 0% is imposed on the amount registrations by selecting the Zero Markup % check box. When you register an amount activity for this job, 0% is imposed on that registration.