Price Lists Concepts

Create a price list with the name of the price list issue, currency, and application to start pricing your items.

After creating a price list, you can enter the prices of the items on the current price list in the table. If you change the name of one price list issue, Maconomy changes all of the issue names of the price list.

You can create price lists in several different currencies. Every price list quotes the price at step one, that is, the price of one unit of the item. If you want to apply quantity discounts, create these in the Quantity Discounts workspace.

Each price list has one or more issues. You assign each issue to a period, and no two issues can have overlapping periods. Thus, you can only assign one issue to each date.

This workspace displays an issue of the price list. Each issue of the price list is identified by a price list name and an issue number, and you can look through the available issues. The Delete action enables you to delete the displayed issue of the price list. However, you cannot delete a price list if no other issues of the current price lists exist.

You can use the Selection Criteria panel to specify the items to display in the table. When you open the workspace, the Show Lines option is toggled off, and the table is empty. This enables you to open the workspace more quickly.

When you create a price list, you only enter the name of the price list. Later, you enter the item lines in the table or in the Quantity Discounts workspace. You can create a price list with all of the items in your item assortment in one operation using the Change Price Lists workspace.

If you have Maconomy Bill of Materials, you can create BOM price lists, provided that the BOMs have price control.

You cannot delete a version of a price list if there is only one existing version. Maconomy extends the date period for the version that is placed just before the deleted version so that it also covers the period of the deleted version. If you delete the earliest existing period, Maconomy extends the date period for the price list version that is placed after the deleted period. This avoids periodic gaps.

For auditing purposes, it is recommended that you print and file the price list every time that you change it. To print the list, click the Print action.