Synchronization of Delivery Dates

Delivery dates are synchronized when a sales order is assigned to a consignment or when it is approved, and only if partial delivery has not been selected.

When creating sales order/quote lines on sales orders/quotes, the delivery dates in the card and table part are synchronized. The synchronization influences sales orders/quotes containing BOM lines. This synchronization means that all delivery dates displayed in the Quote and Sales Orders windows are the same, that is, the delivery date that

  • Corresponds to the delivery date displayed in the Deliv. Date field in the card part. This date corresponds to the delivery date on the assigned BOM lines (in the table part of the Order Lines window) for items with inventory control and with the last delivery date at the time of synchronization of the delivery dates. If the sales order line contains a BOM, it is the BOM part with inventory control at the top level that determines the delivery date.
  • Is specified by the user in the Deliv. Date field in the card part of the window after synchronization.
  • Is copied to the sales order from an assigned consignment to be shipped on the specified date.

As long as the sales order has not been approved, no synchronization of the delivery dates will take place, unless the sales order has been assigned to a consignment.

In the table below, the delivery dates in the Quote and Sales Orders windows are to be synchronized. Note that the functionality concerning BOM lines assigned to the sales order/quote lines corresponds to the functionality for sales order/quote lines in the Quote and Sales Orders windows as regards synchronization.

Delivery dates are synchronized if

  • No partial delivery has been specified on the sales order and a consignment has been assigned to the sales order.
  • No partial delivery has been specified on the sales order and the sales order has been approved.

The rule regarding synchronization of delivery dates are outlined in the table below where the connection between the state and synchronization of the quote/sales order is illustrated.

State of quote/sales order Synchronization
Partial delivery? Consignment assigned? Sales order approved? Synchronized?
Yes No Yes/No No
No Yes Yes/No Yes
No No Yes Yes
No No No No

The rules concerning when delivery dates in the card and table parts of the window described above are synchronized and when the user is permitted to change the delivery date are similar. The functionality for BOM lines assigned to quote/order lines corresponds to the functionality for quote/order lines in the quote/sales order windows as regards synchronization and change permissions.

In short, it is possible to change the delivery date in the table part of the Quote, Sales Orders, and Order Lines windows, if the delivery dates have not been synchronized. Furthermore, it is possible to change the delivery date in the card part of the Quote and Sales Orders windows if the delivery dates have been synchronized and if a consignment has not been assigned to the sales order. See the table below which illustrates when it is possible to change delivery dates in the table part of these windows.

State in card part Change allowed Change allowed
Partial del.? Cons. assign.? Sales order approved? Quote/Sales order Card part (Order header) Quote/Sales order/Order lines Table part (Order line/BOM line)
Yes No Yes/No Change
No Yes Yes/No
No No Yes Change
No No No Change