Activity Types

The type of the activity for which a price is to be calculated is important.

In this connection, you can work with three types:

  • Time activities: This type of activity is related to resources in the company (for example, an employee) and the prices are calculated based on the number of hours the current resource is used on a job. This resource can be assigned to a cost price, an intercompany price, a billing price, and a standard billing price. Time activities can be registered via the job journal, but are often registered in the Time Sheets window.
  • Internal amount activities: This type of activity covers activities undertaken by the company itself using prices calculated based on a fixed amount. Examples are photo copies, test copies, and so on. The activity can be assigned to a cost price, an intercompany price, a billing price, and a standard billing price. Expenses like these are registered in the job journal or the general journal.
  • External amount activities: This type of activity covers activities not undertaken by the company itself, but by external partners and where the related expense is to be entered on the job. The prices are calculated based on a fixed amount being, for example, expenses to a printing office, a carpenter, and so on. The amount is retrieved from a vendor invoice and is registered in the Invoice Allocation or Reallocate Invoices windows.