Resubmitted Time Sheets

You can enable track changes on time sheets when they are resubmitted.

Additionally, you can set up jobs to require an explanation each time a user resubmits a time sheet that includes changes to the time registration on the given job.

If you modify a previously submitted time sheet that affects one or more jobs, you are required to enter the reason for your changes. You can set up this functionality using job parameters that allow you to choose which jobs require explanations for any modifications done to the time sheet.

The explanations for resubmitting changes in time registrations are tracked for weekly time sheets. If a user registers time in daily time sheets, the corresponding weekly time sheet is submitted indirectly when the daily time sheets for all days with fixed hours are submitted, so typically when submitting the daily time sheet for Friday. An explanation at resubmission of time is only required when you modify the corresponding weekly time sheet after it has already been submitted once. Changes at resubmission of a daily time sheet, for example, on a Monday, does not require the user to enter an explanation as long as the weekly time sheet has not been submitted yet.