The Reference List

When you create a format and need to include a reference to a field in Maconomy, you need this reference list.

The list has three columns with the following headings:

  • Relation Reference: This is the reference to the relation in Maconomy from which the value is retrieved.
  • Content: This is the content to be retrieved from the relation mentioned above.
  • Relation Field: This is the unique reference to a database field in Maconomy. It is shown here to specify where the field is displayed in Maconomy. For instance, the reference
    corresponds to the Company No. field in the Company Information window. But since this field or the whole window may have been renamed in the installed version of Maconomy using the Maconomy Layout Designer or MDL, this document specifies the underlying database reference as a unique identifier.
Note: All field references are one word. In the list below, some references and database references may be wrapped to several lines. When the reference is used in Maconomy, any spaces and hyphens should not be included.