Fixed Assets

When you create or change an asset entry, Maconomy no longer performs the exchange rate conversion because the base currency, currency, company number are always the same.

This only covers the calculation of amounts with currencies on the asset and asset entries.

You can create an asset draft from a purchase order line or from an invoice allocation line and set the acquisition price for the asset in base currency by converting the acquisition price currency from the currency of the purchase order header to the base currency of the company on the asset draft using the company specific exchange rate table in the company on the asset draft.

When you create or change assets, Maconomy calculates the non-depreciable enterprise on the asset by converting the non-depreciable amount from the base currency of the company of the asset to the enterprise currency using the enterprise exchange rate table. When you approve an asset adjustment, Maconomy calculates the enterprise residual value on the asset by converting the residual value from the base currency of the company of the asset to the enterprise currency using the enterprise exchange rate table.