Statutory / BPM

Defect 1725784

Updated Extensions To Disable Debug Logging

Previously, generating statutory reports issued debug logging statements even when the logging level is not set to debug, which slowed down performance. Extensions are corrected such that debug logging statements occur only if debug logging is enabled.

Defect 1949812

Pentaho 9.3: GC Overhead Limit Error

A GC overhead limit error is encountered when running jobs or transformations with large amounts of records through spoon on Pentaho 9.3. To resolve this, you must disable Gather Performance Metrics beforehand.

Note: This issue does not affect jobs or transformations executed via Kitchen.

Defect 1832041

Update Fields Used for ETL User Access Transformation

Previously, BPM ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) was using the NameOfUser field to determine data access which resulted in missing data when the report is run by a user with a mismatched role name. This error is corrected such that ETL now uses RoleInstanceKey to filter data for reports connected to the Data Warehouse.

Defect 1851970

Missing Data Caused by Wrong Time Stamps

Previously, ETL (SQL and Oracle) derived time stamps from the system running Pentaho Data Integration instead of the Maconomy database. This affected BPM Analysis Data Warehouses (DWH) located in one time zone and connecting to a database running in another time zone. Reports failed to retrieve data even when the database contained multiple entries. This error is corrected such that SQL and Oracle now follow the Maconomy server date and time so the DWH can retrieve entries needed for reports.

Defect 1897038

Standard ETL Loading Error Due to Wrong Table

There is an error in the standard ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) Transformation Invoice due to using the wrong table when running a job incremental load. This is corrected by updating the script to use the correct table (EXINVOICE).

Defect 2004317

ETL Load Fails Due to Character Limit

Running ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) with records in a language other than English previously failed when the database value of the OPEN_OR_CLOSED field for said language exceeded seven (7) characters. This error is corrected.

Defect 1349930

Year Defaults to Zero on BPM Reports

Previously on job workspaces related to BPM reporting, when you cleared the Job Year or Year prompt and saved the selection criteria, the year prompt populated with the year 2000. This error is corrected using a new string variable StringYearVar so that year prompts default to zero when cleared.

Defect 1697268

Statutory Retrieval File List Includes Hidden Files

Previously, the Statutory Retrieval workspace included files from hidden folders when listing available reports. This error is corrected.

Defect 1898477

Embedded Reports Do Not Display on Workspace Client

The Maconomy Workspace Client no longer supports embedded reports due a browser issue. To view reports, you must navigate to the report's workspace, configure the Selection Criteria, and select the Open Live Report or Open PDF Report action button.

Defect 1757505

Incomplete Prompts in Embedded Reports at Initial Run

Previously, embedded reports were only showing mandatory prompts upon initial run and you had to supply values for the Job No., Customer No., and Company No. prompts. As a workaround, you must refresh the report to display the complete prompts.

Note: For Maconomy 2.6.2, the embedded reports are removed and replaced with Open Live functionality.

Defect 1762805

Correct INI File in Error Messages

Error messages related to Statutory/BPM extensions and logging are updated to now point to extension.ini instead of server.ini.

Defect 1768738

Incorrect Join to Supplement Table in Finance Universe

Previously, the join to the Supplement table in the Finance universe was made as an inner join, and queries that involved an object defined on the Supplement table returned empty results. This error is corrected.

This bug was reported as a known issue for 2.6.1.

Defect 1829801

Wrong Definitions on Tax Settlement Universe

The Tax Settlement Universe previously had wrong definitions, which are now corrected, as follows:

  • Removed wrong entries from the VATSETTLEMENTENTRY table and added correct ones.


  • Created a custom property for Bill To Customer No. and Bill To Customer Tax No. fields for deprecation.

Standard Reports

Defect 1697928

Balance Sheet: Report Missing Thousands Separator

Previously, Balance Sheet reports generated from the Workspace Client and BI Launch Pad displayed total values without any thousands separator (comma or period). This error is corrected.

Defect 2018759

Check Register: Errors in Report Due to Missing Joins

The Check Register report displays #CONTEXT and #INCOMPATIBLE errors due to a missing join between the OUTPUTDATALINE_D table and the derived table COMPANYINFORMATION_D. This error is corrected by adding the correct joins to the standard bank universe.

Defect 1946009

Job Profitability Comparison: Excluded Transaction Invoiced at End Date

Previously, the report failed to include transaction data when the invoice date was equal to the end date in a specified date range. This error is corrected.

Defect 2003566

Main Job, Sub Job Overview: Report Not Available via Action Buttons

The Main Job, Sub Job Overview report was previously missing when opened via the Open PDF Report and Open Live Report action buttons on the Workspace Client. This error is corrected.

Defect 1917187

Subscription Order: Lines with Same Quantity Are Combined

Previously, the Subscription Order report combined lines with the same quantity and added up the unit prices. This error is corrected such that the report displays separate subscription lines as created in Maconomy.

Defect 1828751

Tax Settlement: Update EU Acquisition Table To Reflect Vendor Details

Previously, the Tax Settlement report's EU Acquisition table on the Tax Settlement Details by Invoice tab incorrectly displayed customer transaction details instead of vendor transaction details. This error is corrected.

Defect 1878926

Trial Balance: Retained Earnings Account Does Not Display

Previously when the selection criteria for the Trial Balance report specified an account number with an opening balance equal to the closing balance, the output file did not display the Retained Earnings data for the account. This error is corrected.

Note: Do not use the Trial Balance report to display account balance data spanning more than one fiscal period for multiple companies as it may generate empty currency and company table entries. This is caused by companies included the query that do not have fiscal year-end closings within the selected fiscal year-period criteria.

Defect 1960982

WIP Aging: Excluded Job Revenue Recognition WIP Transactions

Previously, the WIP Aging report failed to include Job Revenue Recognition transactions resulting to a mismatch in the total amount displayed on the Workspace Client and on the data export. This error is corrected.


Defect 1748069

AEF: Disabled Ctrl+G (Search) on Transaction Type Field

The keyboard shortcut Ctrl+G, which opens the search screen, was disabled for the Transaction Type upper limit field on the Accounting Entry File workspace. This error is corrected.


Defect 1898248

GoBD: Restrict Report to Selected Company

Previously when you generated a GoBD Asset report for one company, the output included assets for other companies instead of only the selected company. This error is corrected.

Defect 1929793

GoBD: Corrected Newline Characters in Asset Group File

The GoBD report now uses the correct newline characters of each operating system (for example, CRLF for Windows) to separate records in the generated Asset Group file (AssetGroup.csv).

Defect 1929795

GoBD: Updated PostingTime Format

Previously, the GoBD report's PostingTime was set to date format (YYYYMMDD) instead of the required alphanumeric format. This error is corrected.

Defect 1936013

USTVA: Missing Lines in Reports With Journal Transactions

Previously, the USTVA report had missing Kz lines due to a coding error that caused processing of transactions to stop when a journal transaction was encountered. This error is corrected.

Note: To address issues that occur after this fix (but are not caused by this fix), refer to Defect 1965532.

Defect 1960067

USTVA: Updated Kz45 Line To Use Ship To Customer Country

Previously, the USTVA report used the Bill to Customer country as reference for the Kz45 field. This error is corrected such that the report now uses the job's Ship to Customer country and European Union (EU) membership. The following new objects are added to the Tax Settlement universe:

  • EU Member

  • EU Member Code (in the Job folder)

Note: You must use a non-EU country for the tax code for it to act as the Ship to Customer country and Ship to Customer country EU member. The Tax Country field as a Kz line condition for the USTVA report is scheduled for removal in Maconomy 2.6.3.

Defect 1960070

USTVA: Updated Kz21 Line To Use Ship To Customer Country

Previously, the USTVA report used the Bill to Customer country as reference for the Kz21 field. This error is corrected such that the report now uses the job's Ship to Customer country and European Union (EU) membership. A hierarchy between the job's Ship to Customer country and customer's Ship to Customer country is added wherein the job's Ship to Customer country is prioritized for a General Ledger transaction without a job entry but has a customer number reference. For example:

  • If the job country is null, check the customer's Ship to Customer country. Otherwise, use the customer country.

  • If the job country is not null, use the job country.

Defect 1960073

USTVA: Updated Kz41 Line To Use Ship To Customer Country

Previously, the USTVA report used the Bill to Customer country as reference for the Kz41 field. This error is corrected such that the report now uses the job's Ship to Customer country and European Union (EU) membership. A hierarchy between the job's Ship to Customer country and customer's Ship to Customer country is added wherein the job's Ship to Customer country is prioritized for a General Ledger transaction without a job entry but has a customer number reference. For example:

  • If the job country is null, check the customer's Ship to Customer country. Otherwise, use the customer country.

  • If the job country is not null, use the job country.


Defect 1763560

NSAFT: Intercompany Transactions Excluded When Intercompany Tax Balancing Is Disabled

Previously when the Intercompany Tax Balancing parameter was disabled, the report excluded intercompany tax entries. This error is corrected such that intercompany transactions now display under the corresponding finance basis or intercompany tax balancing entry.

Defect 1851230

NSAFT: Exchange Rate Displays As Scientific Notation

Previously when the exchange rate used was exactly 0.1, the report displayed the value in scientific notation (1E+1). This error is corrected.

Defect 1825654

NSAFT: Derive Currency Code from ISO Value

Previously, the report derived the <CurrencyCode> tag from the Currency Name field instead of using the ISO code of the currency. This error is corrected.

Defect 1892088

NSAFT: Incorrect Instance Key Used to Link Finance Entry and Tax Settlement Entries

Previously, tax settlement entries were derived for the NSAFT report using an instance key to link to the finance tax entry. However, joined General Journal entries (that is, two entries in the same transaction that equal to zero) failed to create a finance tax entry resulting in a missing link. This error is corrected by using an instance key from the basis finance entry.

Defect 1896855

NSAFT: Missing Tax Information When Customer Is from Different Country

Previously when you created an invoice for a customer based in a different country, for example a company in Spain and a customer in Denmark, the report excluded tax information entries. This error is corrected.

Defect 1754777

Norway Tax Return: Display System Version

The Norway Tax Return report is updated so the System field now matches the BPM internal version.


Defect 1844807

SIE: Incomplete Report Due to Rounding Issue

Previously when generating an SIE 4 output file, the report failed to display #IB, #UB, and #RES values due to a Java rounding issue. This error is corrected.

Defect 1420594

SIE: Report Not Translated to Swedish

Previously, some dialog boxes in the report were not translated to the local language, Svenska (Sverige). This error is corrected.

Defect 1913973

SIE: Missing IB and UB Items

Previously when Exclude All Accounts Without Balances was selected, the #IB and #UB items were missing from the generated report. This error is corrected.

United Kingdom (UK)

Defect 1827567

UK Tax Submissions: Correctly Derive Country of Customer Transaction from Shipping Information

Previously, the UK Tax Submission report derived the country of customer transaction from the Ship To Customer information card. This excluded entries from customers outside the United Kingdom (UK) with Place of Supply set to UK. This error is corrected such that the country of customer transaction is now derived from the Delivery Address on the Job Information card, or the Customer Country / Vendor Country.

Defect 1854315

UK Tax Submissions: Incorrect Field Value for Domestic Trade

Previously, the UK Tax Submissions report's Box 8 field (or Total Goods Supplied Excl. VAT field) was incorrectly populated for domestic trades involving the United Kingdom (UK) and North Ireland (NIRE) when the job shipping address was set to the UK while the billing address was set to EU/ROW. This error is corrected.

Defect 1854520

UK Tax Submissions: Missing Value When Shipping Address Is Set to EU Country

Previously, the UK Tax Submissions report did not display the Box 8 field (or Total Goods Supplied Excl. VAT field) when the job's Ship To address was an EU member country, the Tax Popup 1 option list was set to Goods, and the tax code used was NIR (Northern Ireland). This error is corrected.

Defect 1759878

UK Tax Submissions: Get VAT Return Error

When you select the Get VAT Return action for a VAT Submission entry that has not been submitted, the report previously displayed a generic null error message. The report is updated such that the error message now states "The selected entry has not been submitted yet. Please submit before retrieving the VAT return."

Defect 1854572

UK Tax Submissions WebI: Missing Invoice Number and Date

Previously, the report had blank Invoice No. and Invoice Date fields when the transaction's Ship to Customer and Bill to Customer cards were not identical. This error is corrected.

Defect 1834673

UK Tax Submissions WebI: Tax Payable Includes Incorrect Entries

Previously in the report's Tax Details tab, tax receivable entries using Tax Popup 1 with a name containing "RCM" were included in the Tax Payable section. This error is corrected such that only tax payable and Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM) tax receivable entries are displayed.

Defect 1841923

UK Tax Submissions WebI: Excludes Transactions Shipped to UK for Non-UK Customers

Previously, the report excluded transactions from jobs where the customer's country in the Ship to Customer card was not the United Kingdom (UK) even if the delivery address was set to the UK. This error is corrected such that the report includes tax settlement entries from jobs that are shipped to the UK.