Application in the G/L Module

Import and export formats are used in Maconomy’s G/L module.

When a format has been imported into Maconomy, it can be selected for every data agent in the window Data Agents, in the islands Import Control and Export Control, respectively.

When data is to be imported, the data agent (and the associated format) is selected in the window Import Data. At the same time, an import mode is selected. The import mode, which is defined in the window Import Modes, points to an import form, which corresponds to the forms created in this module for each format.

When data is to be exported, the data agent is selected in the window Export Data. This automatically selects the conversion group associated with the data agent. The conversion group defines which data are to be exported and also how they should be exported (using conversion rules). On each conversion rule, you can point out an export form in the window Conversion Rules.

Note: For more information about setting up and creating import and export files in the G/L module, please refer to the description of the Data Exchange module in the G/L module reference manual.