Calculate Base Salary Rate of an Employee Range

You can specify the range of employee numbers to include in the base salary rate calculation.

To calculate the base salary rate of a specific employee range:

  1. Go to Human Resources > Base Salary Rate Calculations > > Calculation > Calculate Base Salary Rate.
  2. In the Selection Criteria island, select the Compensation Model and Company No. to use in this calculation.
    Note: You can enter a range of company numbers by providing a start and end number in the two Company No. fields.
  3. Enter the range of employee numbers to include in the calculation.

    Provide a start and end number in the two Employee No. fields.

  4. In the Calculate island, select the Calculation Period Start and End dates.

    The Calculation Period, Month field populates with the percentage of a month this range contains.

  5. Click Save.
  6. Click the Calculate Base Salary Rate action.
    Note: In the Show Results island, if you enter a date range in the Date field, certain results display in the sub-tab. This does not have an effect on the calculation.
  7. The results display in the Base Salary Calculations sub-tab. Review as needed to evaluate, such as to see flags in the No. of Warnings field.