Vendor Invoices

You can create and change a vendor invoice, where Maconomy converts the transaction currency to base currency using a company specific exchange rate table from the company on the vendor invoice.

When you post a vendor invoice journal, Maconomy converts the enterprise amounts from the base currency of the invoice and its allocations to the enterprise currency using the new enterprise exchange rate table.

In the Print A/P Suspense Overview single dialog workspace, you can select a reporting currency and exchange rate table to use to convert the total invoice amount and total purchase amount used for all vendor invoices included in the print. If you do not specify an exchange rate table, Maconomy uses the company specific exchange rate that belongs to the company of the vendor invoice to calculate the currency conversion to the reporting currency for its contribution to the total invoice and purchase amounts.

In the Print Invoice Status single dialog workspace, you can select a reporting currency and exchange rate table to convert the total paid, posted, and approved registered amounts used for all vendor invoices included in the print. If you do not specify an exchange rate table, Maconomy uses the company specific exchange rate that belongs to the company of the vendor entries.

When you print invoice reconciliations, you can select a reporting currency and exchange rate table to convert the vendor sum for all vendor invoices included in the print. If you do not specify an exchange rate table, Maconomy uses the company specific exchange rate that belongs to the companies included in the print.