G/L Report Set-Up Concepts

Use this workspace to create reports that are based on general ledger data.

Name the report, select the period on which you want to report, and select the accounts and dimensions that you want to include.

A G/L report has columns and lines (or rows). The columns control the type of information to be shown, such as actual or budgeted figures, while the lines control the range of information-the accounts and dimensions that are included in the lines.

You define the columns in the G/L Report Columns workspace and define the lines in this workspace. Each line in the Report Lines sub-tab defines one or more lines in the report. A report line definition can determine if a line displays fixed text, actual or budget figures or quantities, calculations based on other lines, and so on.

Selection Criteria

Use the Selection Criteria in this workspace to specify the period, account number range, dimension option range, and statistics code range.

You typically update the selection criteria before you generate a report, typically to update the period range.

You can also define G/L report selection criteria in the G/L Report Selection Criteria workspace, and override any selection criteria that you defined in the G/L Report Set-Up tab in this workspace.

When you print a G/L report from the Print G/L Report workspace, you can specify a G/L report selection criteria name.

Entries in the From and To fields in the sub-tab specify the target group or selection criteria. There is a target group for every report line definition in the G/L report, corresponding to the selection criteria in the G/L Report Set-Up tab or the specified G/L Report selection criteria. This defaults to the target group value in the G/L Report Set-Up tab or the specified G/L Report selection criteria, unless you enter a value in a Selection Criteria field for the line definition. If you do enter selection criteria information in the line, it overrides any information that you entered in the G/L Report Set-Up tab or the specified G/L report selection criteria, regardless of whether it narrows or expands the selection criteria.

Embedded Reports

You can embed a report within another report, generating two different reports simultaneously, one as an extension of the other. The name and layout of the primary report also apply to the embedded report. The selection criteria that are used to generate the embedded report come from the line in the primary report that calls the embedded report, rather than from the selection criteria in the G/L Report Set-Up tab or the G/L report selection criteria of the embedded report.

Printing Reports

To print a report, use the Print action in this workspace or the Print G/L Report workspace.

You can also export the report to a tab-separated file or an RTF file by choosing the relevant action in the G/L Report Set-Up tab. When you export a report, you cannot specify a G/L report selection criteria name.