Approval Notifications after Reject

The Approval Notifications after Reject single dialog workspace allows you to create a synchronous notification after a user rejects an approval object.

Maconomy automatically creates the notification when you reject the approval object and deletes it again when the status is changed. The status changes to Unsubmitted when you modify the approval object. Then, it changes to Submitted or Approved when you undo the rejection.

The dialogs contain the same information and are all linked to the approval workflow. The Approval Hierarchy Rule tabs show the approval type and the sub-tabs list the rules for when Maconomy should create a notification, how the notification should be received, and what notification should be created.

Maconomy creates the notification only if the company number of the approval object belongs to the range of company numbers on the line, and if it meets the specified selection criterion specification. The receiver of the notification can be a named employee, a user, or an employee derived from the approval object. You can specify either a user or an employee directly on the approval object. You can use the purchase employee from the purchase order, an employee, or a user from a related table.

For example, you can enter a location on a purchase order or Maconomy can derive the user or employee from the location. You can also enter an employee reference on the location. Thus, the receiver of the notification can be the user or employee from the Employee field from the location specified in the purchase order. Maconomy can support a maximum of five reference levels with predefined links. Additionally, Maconomy does not create a notification if the link is missing. In this example, Maconomy does not create a notification if there is no purchaser in the purchase order, or if you do not specify an employee in the location.

Note that the user or employee can be derived from fields that Maconomy use for users or employees. It can also be derived from other remarks or text fields. Thus, the system creates the notification only if you specified a valid username or employee number. If the reference value is a user reference, Maconomy derives an employee number from the user. Maconomy then creates a notification to all users with the derived employee number.