Compensation Groups

You can set up named groups (sets) of compensation types, which are called “compensation groups.”

Use these groups to set up compensation types as a percentage of the sum of the compensation types in such a named group. This means that you can set the amount that a compensation type pays out to be dependent on the resulting amount from other compensation types defined in the group. For example, compensation C1 is dependent on the group G1, which consists of the compensation types C2 and C3. The result is that C1 is a percent of C2 + C3 for the period where C1 overlaps C2 and C3 respectively.

This setup carries over to the corresponding compensation agreement, which is then a percentage of the sum of the agreements whose type belongs to the given group. Note that an employee might not have agreements for each type in a group.

Quick facts about Compensation Groups:

  • You can create named groups of compensation types.
  • An employee does not need to have agreements for all the compensation types of the group.
  • The amount contributed by the compensations in the group depends on the period of overlap.

You can also set up compensation groups in setting up conditions on compensation types/agreements so that they are only applicable if a certain percentage of the sum of the compensation types/agreements (in the named group) falls within a certain range. This means that you can decide if a compensation type should be active (if it pays or not) by creating a dependency on the amount being paid out by a group of other compensation types.

For example, a bonus compensation type C1 may only be paid out if two other agreements, C2 and C3, reach a certain amount. In this scenario, C1 is only paid out if the percent of C2 + C3 falls into a defined amount range. You can set this up by specifying a percentage, a choice of compensation group, and an amount range. See How to… instructions for details.