Assign Quote/Order to Consignment

When you let Maconomy assign a quote or an order to a consignment, Maconomy will attempt to find a consignment with a consignment date as close to the delivery date of the quote, quote line, order, or order line as possible.

The processes of assigning quotes, orders, and lines to a consignment are almost identical, because quotes, quote lines and order lines are assigned to a consignment as if they were a non-approved sales order header. In the description of the process, the term “registration” is therefore used as a common description of orders, quotes, quote lines, and order lines. However, certain parts of the Steps do not apply to all of these registration types, and this is clearly indicated in the description of those parts. The process involves the following steps:

  • Identification of existing, adequate consignments
  • Determining whether a new consignment with an earlier packing date can be created
  • Information update on the registration