Time & Expense

Maconomy enables you to customize a user's access and privileges within the system, depending on their role in the company.

You can choose which specific workspaces or records can be viewed or edited by an employee.

A user can see or create a time sheet for an employee if the user:

  • Is the employee himself/herself, or
  • Is the employee's supervisor, or
  • Is the employee's secretary, or
  • Is the employee's mentor (read-only, not change), or
  • Can change all time sheets (read and change as defined in the window Actions, typically an administrator)

You do not need to grant access to view all sheets to enable an approver to view the records for their approval. Access control specifications on time, expense, and mileage sheets display only the records that are relevant to the approver. Specifically, a user can access a time, expense, or mileage sheet based on the following criteria:

  • You are the creator or owner of the record.
  • You are the supervisor, secretary, or mentor of the employee who owns the record.
  • You are the designated approver, substitute approver, or super approver, depending on the approval hierarchies set up for an approval record.

This provides access to lines jf you either have access to the corresponding header, or if you are the project manager on the job selected on the line.