Create a Credit Memo

When you post invoices on a job, you can also craft a credit memo to give partial or full credit on an invoice, credit individual job entries, or perform crediting for a certain date range. In this workspace, you can choose an existing invoice and create a credit memo based on it.

Before you can create a credit memo, you must perform invoice selection. Depending on the job setup, you can do this in either the WIP Invoice workspace or Invoice on Account workspace.

To create a credit memo:

  1. Under the Jobs menu section, go to Invoices > Crediting tab.
  2. Click Create Credit Memo Selection….
    The Create Credit Memo Selection wizard displays.
  3. If the invoice contains T&M entries, choose whether you want to restore job entries.
  4. Select the preferred date for your credit memo.
  5. Click Create to create the credit memo selection.
  6. Click Approve Credit Memo Selection to create the credit memo specification. You can now edit the specification in the New Specification sub-tab.
  7. Click Close Editing when editing is completed.
    Note: This only applies if approval hierarchies are not used.