Include a Compensation Agreement in Total Base Salary

Use these steps to include a compensation agreement in total base salary calculation.

To include a compensation agreement in the total base salary calculation:

  1. Go to Human Resources > Employees > Employees.
  2. Select an employee from the filter list.
  3. In the Employee Information tab, assign a compensation model.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Go to the Compensation Agreements tab.
  6. Click the Add Compensation Agreement action.
  7. Enter a compensation type in the Compensation Type No. field.
  8. Select the Incl. in Base Salary Calculation and Incl. Result in Total Base Salary fields.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Go to Human Resources > Base Salary Rate Calculations > Calculation > Calculate Base Salary Rate.
  11. In the Selection Criteria island, select the Compensation Model, Company Number, and Company No. to use in the calculation.
  12. Fill out the other fields, as needed.
  13. Click Save.
  14. Click the Calculate Base Salary Rate action.