Manual Lines

Lines of this type can be used on all types of budgets, except the Direct Costs and Settlements subbudgets.

Manual lines are lines where a user can manually enter values for the periods or the total.

If values are specified on the periods, the total field is automatically updated by summing up the periods on the line. If the user prefers to only specify the total on the line and have it automatically allocated to the periods, either an allocation key can be specified on the line or the user can manually specify an allocation type and the allocation values to be used on each period. Alternatively, the user can specify to have the total value on a manual line be allocated to the periods on the basis on the allocation of periods on another line. The reference line must be present on either the same budget as the manual line or, if the manual line is on a main budget, to a line on a subbudget (of type subbudget) to the main budget.

On sum budgets, the value of manual lines is the sum of all corresponding lines on the main and sum budgets directly below the sum budget in the budget hierarchy.