Data Extraction and Metadata Storage

Deltek partnered with Veryfi, a trusted data transformation company based in Silicon Valley, to transform expense receipts into real-time data in seconds and enable expense entry automation.

When you capture a receipt using Quick Capture with ICR, the photo is sent through Veryfi’s ICR hosted system where the photo is converted to machine-readable data. Veryfi uses the closest region to the user when processing the receipt. If the user’s location services are turned off or the application is unable to determine the location, the processing takes place in US East by default. Veryfi has deployed servers in EU (Ireland), US West, US East, Asia Pacific (Sydney), and Canada.

The figure above shows the interaction between the Maconomy and Veryfi environments in order to obtain the cleaned up image and the extracted data. Veryfi does not store any metadata. Once a file is uploaded to a secure encrypted S3 bucket, Veryfi loads this file into memory, deletes it from storage, performs data extraction, and returns the data to Touch. However, if the ICR functionality is turned off, no data or photo is sent to the system.