View and Modify Allowance Hours

You can view and modify the balance of available absence hours for each employee on both a per employee basis and in batch mode.

  • Use the Employee Balance tab for more involved adjustments. Here you can view a list of absence entries for a selected employee, view the history of changes to an employee’s balance of absence days. You can also see when the allowance was granted, how many days have been carried forward, and if there have been any adjustments to the balance and for what reason.
  • Use the Periodic Balance tab for simpler adjustments for both per-employee and batch mode adjustments. This tab allows you to easily increase or decrease allowance as you type. Employees with a negative balance from the previous period are taken into account when granting a new absence allowance for the current period. If an employee’s available balance in the previous period is negative, it is displayed using a negative value and is color coded red.
    Note: If a negative balance is resolved in another way (for example, the employee received no payment for surplus vacation days), then the supervisor may choose to NOT ask Maconomy to take the negative absence balance from the previous vacation period into account, or he may manually adjust the individual grants before submission.