When Derivations Do Not Occur as Expected

Multiple G/L Entries

Sometimes, multiple G/L entries are created from the same entry. When this happens, Maconomy first transfers all dimension values from the original entry, then finds the relevant posting references for each of the entries created, and then perform the derivation as described above.

Customer or Vendor

In some cases, dimension derivation is not made from the current customer or vendor, even though a customer or vendor is specified in the window in which the registration is made and customer or vendor is specified as a priority in the Dimension Derivations window. This occurs because derivation from customer or vendor only takes place when the customer or vendor number is specified directly on the registration.

For instance, if you enter a vendor invoice in the tab of the Invoice Allocation window, you must enter the number of this vendor, which in turn causes Maconomy to derive dimensions from this vendor if a priority is set. However, if you create or change an allocation line in the sub-tab you do not specify a vendor number, since the line relates to the vendor in the tab. Then, since the vendor number is not specified on the line, no dimensions are derived from the vendor.

Date-Specific Derivations

At times a derivation may not occur as expected if a time period is established for the derived dimensions for this value.