Opportunity Budgets and Job Budgets

When you create an opportunity budget, Maconomy actually creates a job whose number corresponds to the number of the opportunity in question, prefixed by an underscore.

In the Job Cost module, this job will be available in budget related windows. The information displayed in this window is the budget information assigned to the job created for the opportunity.

Since the opportunity budget is essentially a job budget, working with an opportunity budget is very similar to working with a job budget, and most of the functionality offered for regular job budgets is also offered in opportunity budgets. This means that you can work with opportunity budgets in the budget related windows of the Job Cost module, in the same way as when working with regular job budgets. This allows you to for example create job budget item lines, budget texts, and periodic forecasts. However, you cannot enter quote and purchasing information.

Most of the fields in this window correspond to fields in the window Job Budgets, and their functionality is therefore not described in detail here.