Import Data Workspace

Use this workspace to import G/L data.

Before you start the import, choose the data agent that you want to use. The import is performed according to the conditions that you defined for the data agent. Depending on the type of the data that you are importing, Maconomy also uses the import modes that are assigned to the data agent.

If the import file does not contain information about the type of data, you can select an import mode in this workspace. This import mode is used on all entries in the import file. Maconomy checks whether the delivery number of the import file has been used before to prevent an import of the same file from occurring more than once.

When you click OK, Maconomy prompts you to identify the file that contains the data that you want to import. You perform the import in three steps:
  1. Maconomy reads the lines in the import file and stores them.
  2. When Maconomy has read all of the lines, it converts the dimensions of the imported lines using the conversion table that you assigned to the data agent that you are using.
  3. Maconomy creates the relevant entries in a number of journals, depending on the number of companies that are involved in the import.

When you have performed the import, Maconomy automatically prints out a report that contains the imported data. You can reprint the report from this workspace.