Employee Allowance Sub-Tab
This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Absence Calendar Lines sub-tab.
Field | Description |
Employee No. | This field shows the number of the employee on the current line. |
Employee Name | This field shows the name of the employee on the current line. |
Allowance, Prev. Period | This field shows the number of days of absence allowance for the employee in the previous period. |
Carried Forward, Prev. Period | This field shows the number of days that have been carried forward to the previous period (from an earlier period). |
Available, Prev. Period | This field shows the number of days of allowance remaining at the end of the previous period. These days could potentially be transferred to the current period as carry-forward days. |
Approved Allowance, Cur. Period | This field shows the number of days of allowance that have been approved for this employee in the current period. |
Unapproved Allowance Adjustments , Cur. Period | This field shows the number of days of allowance that have been submitted but not approved for this employee in the current period. |
Unsubmitted Allowance Adjustments , Cur. Period | This field shows the number of days of allowance that have been created but not submitted for this employee in the current period. |
Total Allowance , Cur. Period | Enter the number of days of allowance that the employee should be granted for the current period. This field shows the difference between approved and unsubmitted allowance. You can change it to a value greater or less than the approved allowance, resulting in creation of a positive or negative allowance entry for this employee. |
Approved Carry Forward, Cur. Period | This field shows the number of days that have been carried forward from the previous period to the current one for this employee. |
Unapproved Carry Forward Adjustments , Cur. Period | This field shows the number of days that will be carried forward from the previous period to the current one for this employee when the Approve Adjustment action is run. |
Unsubmitted Carry Forward Adjustments , Cur. Period | This field shows the number of days that will be carried forward from the previous period to the current one for this employee when the actions Submit Adjustment and Approve Adjustment are run. |
Total Carry Forward, Cur. Period | Enter the number of days to be carried forward from the previous period to the current one. This field shows the difference between approved and open carry forward days. It can be changed to a value greater or less than the approved carry forward days, which will result in a positive or negative carry forward entry being created for this employee. |
Parent Topic: Absence Entry Overview Workspace