Print Currency Positions Workspace

Use this workspace to review currency positions, useful for estimating the company's available funds.

The report shows positions for vendors and customers. The positions are displayed in blocks, each of which represents a base currency. Each block displays the amounts originally entered in the vendors' and customers' currencies (that is, the amounts due to vendors and due from customers), the amounts posted in the current base currency, and the converted amounts in the base currency, using the exchange rate that was valid on the exchange rate date. The report also includes a block that shows totals for each position in the reporting currency.

Based on a specified start date, a currency position report shows due amounts on the start date and two months from the start date; it also shows a total for the period after two months. If you specify January 1 as the start date, the list shows the due balance on January 1, February 1, March 1, and the period after that. Note that an entry that is due in January and after the start date (which, in this case, is January 1) is included in the total for the following month (in this case, February).