Item Purchase Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Item Purchase Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Item No. This is the number of the item ordered in the item purchase order. The value cannot be changed here.
Vendor Item No. This is the vendor’s item number from the item purchase order. The number probably also appears on the vendor’s delivery note and invoice for which you are entering the item receipt. Maconomy suggests the value from the corresponding field on the item purchase order, but the value can be changed here.
Ordered This is the quantity ordered in the item purchase order. The value cannot be changed here.
Balance This field shows how many of the items ordered have not yet been delivered. Maconomy updates the balance when you select the action “Approve Receipt” after entering item receipt.

When you close the item purchase order (with the action “Close Item Purchase Order” in the Item purchase orders window), Maconomy clears any balance occurring here, and resets the value in the “Purchase” field in the Item Information Card and Item Information windows in the Inventory module. This only applies to orders which have been approved.

Currently Received Here you can specify how many item units in the item line you have received from the vendor.

If you receive all, or almost all, of the items in an item purchase order, you can use the action “Receive All.” Maconomy then inserts the value from the “Balance” field in this field in all the item lines. You can then adjust the values, if not all the items were delivered. If the item has serial number control, you must enter the serial numbers in the window Serial Number Entry before approving the receipt.

Unit In this field, you can enter the unit in which the current item is purchased. Maconomy suggests the value from the corresponding field on the item purchase order, but you can change the value here.
Stock Location No. In this field, you can specify the location in the selected warehouse at which the items on the current line are received. If you leave this field blank, the location number specified in the card part of the window will apply to the line.

The receipt of the items cannot be approved until you have either entered a location in the card part or on the individual item lines.

Description In this field, you can enter an item description for the item on the current item line. Maconomy suggests the value from the corresponding field on the item purchase order, but you can change the value here.
Vendor Item Desc. In this field, you can enter the vendor’s item text from the item purchase order. The text probably also appears on the delivery note and invoice for which you are entering the item receipt. Maconomy suggests the value from the corresponding field on the item purchase order, but you can change the value here.
Remarks In this field, you can enter a note related to the current line. Maconomy suggests the value from the corresponding field on the associated item purchase order, but you can change the note here.
Internal Desc. In this field, you can enter an internal description related to the item entered on the Item Information Card in the Inventory module. Maconomy suggests the value from the corresponding field on the item purchase order, but you can change the value here.
Note No. In this field, you can specify the number of a note to be assigned to the current line for further specification. Notes are created and edited in the window Notes in the Set-Up module.
Note Description This field shows a description of the note specified in the field “Note No.” above.
Popup 1-5 In these fields, you can enter various information about the item.

Maconomy suggests the values entered in the corresponding fields on the assigned item purchase order, but you can change the values here.

Deliv. Date This is the preferred delivery date specified on the item line on the item purchase order. The date cannot be changed here. Maconomy automatically inserts the date from the field “Date Received.”
Pricing Unit This field shows how many units of the item are included in the unit price. The value is determined in the Item Information Card and cannot be changed here.
Unit Price This is the unit price specified in the item purchase order. The price cannot be changed while entering item receipt.
Extended Price This is the extended price calculated by multiplying the quantity ordered by the unit price and dividing this sum by the pricing unit. The extended price is included in the “Goods” field in the Price island in the card part of the window. The value cannot be changed manually.
Duty Code In this field, you can enter a code for the duty to be calculated if the vendor’s country is different from the company’s country. The duty code is transferred from the Item Information Card in connection with the creation of an item purchase order and can be changed in this field.