Serial Number Receipt Workspace

Use this workspace with the Item Receipt workspace to enter articles that have serial numbers.

The Serial Number Receipt tab displays information about the item receipt, and the Serial Numbers sub-tab contains the serial numbers.

You can enter the serial numbers directly in this workspace, or you can import them in the Import Serial Numbers workspace in the Inventory module. When you import serial numbers, Maconomy automatically updates the Received field for item lines for which you are importing serial numbers. Serial number entry in this workspace is mandatory for items that have the serial number control type Full Serial No. Registration or Serial No. Reg. at Receipt set up in the Item Information Card workspace. You cannot approve the receipt of an item purchase order that contains an item line that contains one of these serial number control types until you have entered a serial number for every single unit of the item in this workspace.

For items that use standard serial numbers Maconomy automatically creates serial number lines with the ordered quantity. However, this only happens if you select the Extended Serial Number Control system parameter. When you create an item purchase order line in the Item Purchase Orders workspace, Maconomy checks whether a standard serial number for purchase has been specified for the current warehouse in the sub-tab of the item's information card. If this is the case, Maconomy automatically creates a serial number line with the standard serial number and the ordered quantity in this workspace. When you enter the receipt of the items in the Item Receipt workspace, Maconomy checks whether there is exactly one serial number line for the current receipt line and whether the numbers in the Ordered and Received fields on this serial number line correspond to the numbers in the corresponding fields on the current receipt line. If this is the case, Maconomy automatically updates the serial number line with the number entered as received in the Item Receipt workspace. Therefore, you do not need to manually enter serial number receipt for items that use a standard serial number. If there is more than one serial number line for the receipt line, or if the numbers on the receipt line and the serial number line, respectively, are not the same, Maconomy does not update the number, so you must enter it manually in this workspace.

When you approve the item receipt, Maconomy automatically enters the serial numbers in the Serial Number Information workspace in the Inventory module. They are entered at the individual item purchase order lines' receipt locations in the warehouse of the item purchase order. The serial number is given a reference to the item purchase order. If the item purchase order is linked to a sales order, Maconomy automatically transfers the serial numbers to the sales order when you approve the item receipt.