Transaction Type Groups Workspace

Use this workspace to create, edit, and delete transaction type groups.

You use transaction type groups to group transaction types, to make using transaction types more convenient. For example, most transactions have the same posting periods, so it is easier to define the posting period for a group of transaction types, instead of specifying it for each transaction type.

The transaction type groups are used by the posting period setups and the journal setups. Groups can be shared by different setups. A transaction type group must contain a minimum of one transaction type.

A transaction type group can contain a default transaction type for each user. This is used when Maconomy must derive a transaction type (any type, not a specific one), in a specific workspace, for a specific company and user.

You can identify a Transaction Number Series for a specific transaction type and a specific employee, within a specific group. This overrules the Transaction Number Series that you enter on the transaction type. The Transaction Number Series that you enter on the transaction types are generic, used by all companies, while the Transaction Number Series that you enter in the transaction type groups are company- and user-specific.

You can create user-specific Transaction Number Series if you are using different number series for different users. Also, different users can have access to different transaction types. The Username field controls the user-specific settings. By default, this field is empty, meaning that all users have the same transaction type settings within the group.

You cannot delete transaction type groups if they are used by journal setups or posting period setups.

By default, Maconomy provides a transaction type group that includes all of the predefined transaction types, and other transaction type groups used by the standard journal setup.