
This section shows the Actions available in the Job Planning workspace.

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Field Description
Transfer Job Dates The functionality of this action is similar to that of the action “Transfer Job Dates” in the window Job Budgets.
New Revision The functionality of this action is similar to that of the action “New Revision” in the window Job Budgets.
Submit Budget The functionality of this action is similar to that of the action “Submit Budget” in the window Job Budgets.
Approve Budget The functionality of this action is similar to that of the action “Approve Budget” in the window Job Budgets.

Note that if the job or individual budget lines were put on hold or resumed while the latest revision of the budget was still not approved, the planning lines will not be updated until you carry out this action.

Reopen Budget The functionality of this action is similar to that of the action “Reopen Budget” in the window Job Budgets.
Convert to Preliminary When you select this action, Maconomy converts the booking type of all planning budget lines in the table part into “Preliminary.”
Convert to Requested When you select this action, Maconomy converts the booking type of all planning budget lines in the table part into “Requested.”
Convert to Confirmed When you select this action, Maconomy converts the booking type of all planning budget lines in the table part from “Preliminary” to “Confirmed.”

If the conversion of the booking type on a budget line would conflict with other confirmed allocations for the employee allocated on the line, that is, the current allocation and one or more other confirmed allocations would cause the planning time of the employee on the current line to be exceeded, this line will instead be converted into “Requested,” and a warning will be issued.

Put on Hold It can sometimes be necessary suspend working on a specific task or a whole job for a period of time. This could, for instance, be because you are waiting for a delivery from the customer or a third party. To be able to account for this, you can mark jobs or tasks as being “on hold.” When a job or task is marked in this way, it does not appear in employee resource plans. Later, for example, when the customer or third party has made the delivery, you can resume the job.

With this action, the entire job is put on hold. This means that the following happens:

  • All lines in the table part are marked in the field “Put On Hold,” provided they belong to the latest approved revision of the planning budget, and the booking type corresponds to the booking type specified for the job.
  • All allocations on detailed planning lines for the job are deleted. The planning lines, as such, are not deleted, but the planned hours are cleared. This way, the information about who was assigned to the task is preserved. Note that the planning lines are not affected until the budget is approved.
  • You can no longer create allocations in detailed planning lines for the job until the job is resumed.
  • It is still possible to add lines to the planning budget, but the lines will be added with the default status “Put on Hold.”
  • Jobs or tasks which have been put on hold will not appear in the “Unstaffed Tasks” Portal report.
  • When you select the action, the field “On Hold” in the Resource Allocation island in the card part is marked, and the current date and your user name are shown in the island as a record of who put the job on hold.

Note that to put individual tasks on hold, you simply mark them in the table part.

See also the description of the “Resume” action below and the action “Approve Budget” above.

Resume When you select this action, Maconomy cancels the “On Hold” status of the entire job, and it is once again possible to create detailed planning lines for the job. In the Resource Allocation island in the card part, the field “Resumed” is marked, and the current date and your user name are shown in the island as a record of who resumed the job. Note that the mark in the field “Resumed” will not disappear if you put the job on hold again; it serves as a record that the job was once put on hold and subsequently resumed.

Note that to resume individual tasks, you simply unmark the field “Put on Hold” in the table part.

Copy Budget From Template This action copies the budget from the template job.