Item Purchase Order Lines Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Item Purchase Order Lines tab.

Item Purchase Order Line Island

Field Description
Order No. This field shows the number of the item purchase order to which the line has been assigned.
Line No. This field shows the number of the item purchase order line on the item purchase order.
Vendor No. This field shows the number of the vendor to whom the item purchase order has been assigned.

Item Island

Field Description
Item No. This field shows the number of the item to be purchased.
Description This field shows the description of the current item.
Internal Desc. This field shows the internal description of the current item.
Extra Text 1-10 These fields show the supplementary text entered for the current item purchase order line in the window Item Purchase Orders.
Deliv. Item No. This field shows the vendor’s item number of the current item. The item number is printed on item purchase orders in the Item Purchase module instead of the company’s own item number. This facilitates the identification of items to be ordered.
Deliv. Item Text This field shows the item text used by the vendor for the current item. This item text is printed on item purchase orders in the Item Purchase module instead of the company’s own reference to the same item.
Item Group This field shows the item group to which the current item has been assigned.
Item Type This field shows the item type to which the item has been assigned.
Unit This field shows the unit in which the current item is purchased (for instance pieces, pounds, and so on).
Serial No. Control This field indicates whether the current item is under serial control, which means that you have entered a serial number in connection with purchases and sales. In this way, an individual item can be trailed from vendor via warehouse to customer. This is referred to as the item’s life cycle. The item can only be under inventory control if it is under serial number control also.

Quantity Island

Field Description
Ordered This field shows the number of purchase units, which have been ordered of the current item.
Currently Received This field shows the number of items already registered as being received.
Sales/Purchase Unit This field shows the number of sales units being equivalent to a purchase unit. If for instance you have purchased a case of 12 units from the vendor and you wish to stock and sell these units by the piece, the number 12 will be displayed in this field.
Min. Purchase Unit This field shows the smallest purchase unit of the item.

Price Island

Field Description
Pricing Unit This field shows a number of the current item included in the unit price of the item.
Unit Price This field shows the unit price used on the item line in question.
Extended Price This field shows the current line price as the number of ordered units multiplied by the unit price on the line, divided by the pricing unit and finally deducted a discount amount entered in the field “Discount.”
Currency This field displays the currency used on the order line.

General Island

Field Description
Tax Code This field shows the tax code for the item purchase order line. If multiple tax codes are enabled, the “Tax Code” field will be replaced by the following fields: “Tax Code 1,” “Tax Code 2,” and, if enabled, “Tax Code 3.” For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”
Duty Code This field shows the duty code for the item purchase order line if the vendor’s country is different from the company’s country.
Sales Order No. If the item purchase order line has been created from a sales order line in one of the windows Sales Orders, Item Purchase Orders or Item Purchase Selection, the number of the assigned sales order will be shown here.

Item Note Island

Field Description
Note If a template note has been assigned to the current line, this field shows the note number and description of the note in question. The note text can be viewed and edited in the window Notes in the Set-Up module.

Warehouse Island

Field Description
Warehouse This field shows the warehouse to which the current item has been assigned.
Stock Location No. This field shows the stock location specified on the order line.
Inventory Control This field indicates whether the current item is under inventory control.
Delivery Date This field shows the requested delivery date of the item.
Expected Delivery Date This field shows the expected delivery date of the item.
Confirmed Deliv. Date This field shows the date on which the supplier has confirmed that delivery will take place.
Expected Availability Date This field shows the date on which the items are expected to be available for sale. For a description of the difference between this field and the field “Confirmed Deliv. Date,” see the description of the relevant fields in the table part of the window Item Purchase Orders.
Deliv. Remarks This field shows the remarks assigned to the delivery date for the item purchase order line.

Discount Island

Field Description
Discount % This field shows any discount percentage entered on the item purchase order line.
Discount This field shows any discount amount entered on the item purchase order line.
Discount Desc. This field shows any discount description entered on the item purchase order line.
Quantity Disc. This field shows the quantity discount amount if a quantity discount has been selected for the item and if the number of ordered units on the item line justifies a quantity discount.

Note Island

Field Description
Note If a note has been assigned to the current line, this field shows the note number and description of the note in question. The note text can be viewed and edited in the window Notes in the Set-Up module.

Extra Fields Island

Field Description
Popup 1-5 These fields show the selected pop-up values for the item purchase order line.
Date 1-5 In these fields, you can enter various dates related to the current item purchase order line.