Asset History Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Asset History sub-tab.

Field Description
Date This is the date the change was entered.
Field Name This is the name of the field which was changed.
Changed By This is the name of the user who entered the change.
Changed From This is the content of the field before it was changed.
Changed To This is the content of the field after the change.
Entry Description In this field you must enter the reason for the change.
Company No. This field shows the number of the company for which the current asset post has been registered.
Currency This field shows the currency that has been selected as the base currency of the company to which the current asset post belongs. For a detailed description of company base currency and group currency, see the description of the field “Base Currency” in the window Company Information in the G/L module.
Amount, Currency This field shows the size of the transaction in the base currency of the company to which the current asset post belongs.