Packing List Lines Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Packing List Lines tab.

Order Line Island

Field Description
Order No. This is the number of the sales order to which the packing list applies. The sales order number is shown on the printed packing list. The number cannot be changed here.
Line No. This is the packing list line number from the sales order. The line number is shown on the printed packing list. You can use the search functions in the Find menu to retrieve other lines. The order number and line number combine to form the sole and absolute identification of the packing list line. The number cannot be changed here.

Item Island

Field Description
Item No. This is the item number in the packing list line.
Unit This is the item sales unit in the packing list line. The value is retrieved from the “Unit” field in the Sales Orders window. The unit cannot be changed here.
Description This is the item text. The text is retrieved from the “Unit” field in the Sales Orders window. The text cannot be changed here.
Internal Desc. This is the internal text. The text is retrieved from the “Unit” field in the Sales Orders window. The text cannot be changed here.
Extra Text 1-10 These are the extra text fields of the packing list line. The information is retrieved from the corresponding lines in the table part of the current sales order. The Extra Fields cannot be changed here.

Extra Fields Island

Field Description
Popup 1-5 These fields show the values of the corresponding fields in the table part of the current sales order. The values cannot be changed here.