Bank Reconciliation Line Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Bank Reconciliation Line tab.

Bank Reconciliation Line Island

Field Description
Payment Agent This field shows the payment agent.
Reg. No. This field shows the registration number associated with the reconciliation.
Account No. This field shows the account number associated with the reconciliation.
Entry No. This field shows the entry number for the bank reconciliation. The entry number is a unique number series for each external account.
Reconciliation No. This field shows the reconciliation number.
Entry Date This field shows the entry date of the entry which was reconciled.
Description This field shows the description of the entry which was reconciled.
Journal No. This field shows the journal number of the entry which was reconciled.
Trans. No. This field shows the transaction number of the Entry that was reconciled.
Transaction Type This field shows the reconciliation transaction type.
Debit This field shows the amount that was debited for the reconciliation.
Credit This field shows the amount that was credited for the reconciliation.
To Reconcile This field shows if the entry is marked for reconciliation. It is more relevant in the Bank Reconciliations window than here.
Reconciled This field shows whether or not the reconciliation has been completed.
Comment This field includes any comments relating to the entry that was reconciled.
Posted This field shows whether or not the entry that was reconciled has been posted.
Date Posted This field shows the date on which the entry that was reconciled was posted.
Offset Account No. This field shows the offset account number relating to the bank reconciliation.
Offset Account Text This field shows any offset account text relating to the bank reconciliation.
Currency Direction The currency direction shows which currency table is to be used for the entry. If the currency direction is sales, the currency table for sales should be used and vice versa for purchases.

Check Island

Field Description
Check No. This field shows the check number that was used for the bank reconciliation.
Check Book This field shows the number of the check book that was used for the bank reconciliation.

Output Data Island

Field Description
Payment No. This field shows the number of the payment.
Payment Group No. This field shows the group number to which the Payment No. above belongs.
Payment Line No. This field shows the line number to which the Payment No. above belongs.

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. This field shows the company number.

Account Island

Field Description
Account No. This field shows the company account number.

Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location This field shows the value of the dimension Location.
Entity This field displays the value of the dimension Entity.
Project This field displays the value of the dimension Project.
Purpose This field displays the value of the dimension Purpose.
Spec. 1 – 3 These fields display the values of the dimensions Spec. 1 – Spec. 3.
Local Spec. 1 – 3 These fields display the values of the dimensions Local Spec. 1 – Local Spec. 3.