Read Customer Payments Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Read Customer Payments tab.

Journal Information Island

Field Description
Payment Agent Select the payment agent who supplied the current file in this field.
Trans. No. Enter a transaction number in this field. If the “Consecutive Trans. No.” box in the window Payment Agents is not checked, all G/L and customer entries created will have the transaction number you enter here. If the “Consecutive Trans. No.” box in the window Payment Agents is checked, the transaction number will be raised by 1 every time a customer payment is read.

If you have not checked the box “Reuse Trans. No.” in the window System Information in the Set-Up module, Maconomy checks that the transaction number has not already been used for a journal entry in an unposted general or vendor invoice journal belonging to the company applying to the current line or for an already posted G/L entry belonging to the company applying to the current line.

If the system parameter “Company specific transaction number check” has been marked, Maconomy checks that the transaction number has not already been used for a journal entry in an unposted general, asset, customer payment or vendor invoice journal belonging to the company applying to the current line or for an already posted G/L entry belonging to the company applying to the current line. If the parameter has not been marked, Maconomy checks that the number has not been used on any other manual transaction in the system, regardless of company number.

Trans. Type In this field you can enter the transaction type for all customer entries created while reading the customer payments from a file.
Entry Description In this field, you enter the entry description to be transferred to the G/L and customer entries created when you read the customer payments. See also the description of the “Transfer Customer Payment Date” in the window Payment Agents.

If the field “Use Name as Entry Reference” is marked in the window System Information in the Set-Up module, the name of the customer will be used as the entry description when reading new customers.

Common Entry Date In this field, you can enter an entry date. Maconomy checks that the date specified is within the open posting date range. If you enter a date in this field, the entry date of each of the G/L and customer entries will be set to this date, regardless of the entry date read from the file.

If you do not specify a date, Maconomy will use the entry date from the customer payment file.

Reprint Island

Field Description
Run No. When reprinting you must enter the number of the run you want to reprint in this field.

Run Mode Island

Field Description
Read File In this field, you can choose if you want to read new customer payments from a file, if you want to restart an interrupted run, or if you want to reprint previously read customer payments. If you mark the field, you must select the file containing the new customer payments.

Depending on the payment agent chosen, the customer payment file may contain a delivery number. If you select a file with a delivery number which has already been read by Maconomy, you will be given a warning. You are, however, permitted to read the file anyway, as files with the same payment agent run date can have the same delivery number. Contact your payment agent if you have questions about this.

If you want to restart an interrupted run, do not check this box, and do not fill in the field “Run No..” If you want to reprint customer payments previously read, do not check this box either, but fill in the field “Run No.” with the number of the run you want to reprint.”

Print Control Island

Field Description
Layout In this field, you can select which layout to use for the printout. If no additional layouts for the current printout have been added in the window Print Layout in the Set-Up module, “Standard” and “Detailed” are the only options.
  • A standard print comprises one or two lines per customer payment for every payment read. Only two lines per customer payment are printed if the customer payment read contains errors.
  • A detailed print comprises all information regarding the customer payments read.

Maconomy’s customer payment module is a general module and that some fields in the printout are not supported by all payment agents. For more information about the fields displayed in the printout, please see the description of the window Show Customer Payments.