Print Packing Slip Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Print Packing Slip tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Order No. Here you can enter a range of order numbers. The printout will only include packing slips for sales orders within the specified range.
Packing Slip No. Here you can enter a range of packing slip numbers. The printout will only include packing slips with numbers within the specified range.
Customer No. Here you can enter a range of customer numbers. The printout will only include packing slips for sales orders with a customer within the specified range.
Delivery Date Here you can enter a range of delivery dates. The printout will only reprint packing slips with a delivery date within the specified range. If you have marked the field “Create Packing Slips,” you will only include order lines from approved orders, for which the delivery date is within the specified range.
Company No. In this field, you can enter a range of company numbers. The printout will only include packing slips assigned to orders for which companies within the specified range are responsible.
Subscrip. Order No. In this field, you can specify a range of subscription order numbers. The printout will only include packing slips assigned to orders where the subscription order number is within the specified range.
Subscription No. In this field, you can specify a range of subscription numbers. When creating packing slips, Maconomy will only create packing slips for orders for which the subscription number is within the specified range. The field is only taken into consideration when packing slips are being created, meaning that the field is ignored when printing packing slips that have already been created.
Subscription Group In this field, you can select a subscription group. When creating packing slips, Maconomy will only create packing slips for orders assigned to the selected subscription group. The field is only taken into consideration when packing slips are being created, meaning that the field is ignored when printing packing slips that have already been created.
Department Here, you can select a department. The printout will only include packing slips belonging to the selected department.
Warehouse In this field, you can specify the warehouse that you wish to include on the printout. The field is blank by default. If a warehouse is selected, the printout will only include packing slips from the selected warehouse.
Language Here you can select a language code. You will then only print packing slips with this code.
Consignment No. In these fields, you can specify a range of consignment numbers. Maconomy will only create and print packing slips for sales orders assigned to a consignment within the specified range.
Destination No. In these fields, you can specify a range of destination numbers. Maconomy will only create and print packing slips for sales orders with a destination number within the specified range.
Consignment Date In these fields, you can specify a range of consignment dates. Maconomy will only create and print packing slips for sales orders assigned to consignments with a consignment date within the specified range.
Delivery Mode In this field, you can select a delivery mode. Maconomy will only create and print packing slips for sales orders with the selected delivery mode.
Delivery Terms In this field, you can select a code for delivery terms. Maconomy will only create and print packing slips for sales orders with the selected delivery terms.
Carrier In this field, you can select a carrier. Maconomy will only create and print packing slips for sales orders with the selected carrier.
Consignment Type In this field, you can select a consignment type. Maconomy will only create and print packing slips for sales orders with the selected consignment type.
Main Order No. In these fields, you can specify a range of order numbers. Maconomy will only create and print packing slips for sales orders linked to a main order whose order number is within the specified range.

Print Control Island

Field Description
Create Packing Slips If you mark this field, you will create packing slips for approved sales orders in the selection criteria for which packing slips have not yet been printed. This corresponds to selecting the action “Print Packing Slip” in the Sales Orders window for every one of the sales orders in the selection criteria. For further information on the exact effects of printing packing slips, you should therefore see the description of the action “Print Packing Slip
Do Not Print If you mark this field, the packing slips will not be printed. This means you can create a batch of packing slips without printing them.
Incl. Printed If you mark this field, you will print copies of packing slips which have already been printed and match the selection criteria. If you leave it blank, you will only print packing slips which are not marked in the “Printed” field.

The “Printed” field is not marked if a packing slip has been created but not printed. This occurs when you use “Release to Invoice” or “Print Invoice” in the window Sales Orders, or “Approve Packing List” or “Print Invoice” in the window Packing Lists. It is also possible to remove the mark manually after the packing slip is approved. This allows you to reprint a number of packing slips which are not necessarily in any given range.

Layout In this field, you can select which layout to use for the printout. If no additional layouts for the current printout have been added in the window Print Layout in the Set-Up module, “Standard” is the only option.

If you have Maconomy’s layout editing tools, you can add fields, such as price, recommended sales price, gross margin and price mark to the standard layout or any new layout. Recommended sales price is taken from the price list used for the sale, and the customer’s gross margin in the case of resale is calculated from the recommended sales price. You can also show whether the price of the item is lower or higher than last time it was sold. It is shown as a plus or minus, and is based on the price shown in the Item Assortment window. In the Customer Information Card, you can specify whether to show prices and price marks on packing slips.