Job Invoicing Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Invoicing tab.

Selection Criteria island

Field Description
Show Lines Toggle on/off to show/hide the lines matching the values specified in your selection criteria.
Job Number Select the appropriate job number range to display the invoices for those specified draft invoices.
Job Collection Number Copy to come.
Job Group To show the invoices with a specific job group, select an option from the drop-down list.
Customer Group To show the invoices with a specific customer group, select an option from the drop-down list.
Company Number Select the appropriate company number range to display the draft invoices for those specific companies.
Settling Company Number Copy to come.
Customer Number Select the appropriate customer range to display the draft invoices for those specific customers.
Telex Copy to come.
Bill to Customer Select the bill to customer range to display the invoices for those specific bill to customers.
Department Copy to come.
Language Copy to come.
Responsible Copy to come.
Sales Rep. Copy to come.
Project Manager

To show the invoices with a specific project manager assigned to them, select an option from the drop-down list.

Invoice Date Select the invoice date range to display only due invoices within the specified dates.
Zero/Non-Zero Specify whether you wish to view regular invoices only or zero-invoices only. If you leave this blank, the workspace displays both invoice types.
Popup 1-5 Copy to come.
Customer Popup 1-5 Copy to come.
Employee Number 1-10 Copy to come.

Selection Criteria, Dimensions

Field Description
Location Copy to come.
Entity Copy to come.
Project Copy to come.
Purpose Copy to come.
Specification 2-3 Copy to come.
Local Specification 1-3 Copy to come.


Field Description
Number of Drafts This field displays the total number of draft invoices on the job.
Amount for Invoicing This field displays the total amount for invoicing.

Transfer Invoice Dates

Field Description
Invoice Date Copy to come.

Print Control

Field Description
Layout This field displays the layout used for the invoices.