Change Collection Selection Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Change Collection Selection tab.

Customer Island

Field Description
Customer No. This field shows the customer number. The customer name and address information is also displayed. The information is retrieved from the customer information card.

Company Island

Field Description
Settling Company This field shows the name of the company registered as settling company for the current customer.

Balance Island

Field Description
Balance, Currency This field shows the current balance of the customer in currency. The balance is updated when posting journals which contain entries that pertain to the current customer. The field is updated automatically and cannot be changed.
Balance, Base This field shows the customer’s current balance in base currency. The balance is updated when posting journals which contain entries that pertain to the current customer. The field is updated automatically and cannot be changed.

Calculation of Collection Selection Island

Field Description
Latest Due Date This is a cut-off date for the selection of entries for collection. If the due date of the individual entry is before or on the specified date, the entry is selected for collection when you select the action “Create Collection Selection.”

Collection Island

Field Description
Selected for Collection This box shows if the customer has been selected for collection. If only one entry is selected for collection, the customer is regarded as having been selected for collection, and the box is checked. The box is checked or unchecked automatically by Maconomy and cannot be changed.
No. Entries Selected In this field Maconomy shows how many entries pertaining to the current customer are selected for collection. The field is updated automatically and cannot be changed. If an entry is currently being collected, it is regarded as being selected for collection.
Collected in Standard Currency This field shows the sum of the entries selected for collection. The amount is displayed in the currency of the customer. The field is updated automatically and cannot be changed.
Show Electronically Collected Only If you check this box, the table part of this window will only display entries which are to be collected electronically.

Payment Control Island

Field Description
Cust. Payment Mode In this field you select the mode in which the customer will normally be paying. The customer payment mode is used for selecting the customer payment mode and the payment agent and is transferred when you create invoices and credit memos. The customer payment mode can, however, be changed on the individual invoice or credit memo or in the window Change Payment Selection in the Banking module. The customer payment mode is furthermore used for calculating the customer’s payer ID. Payment modes are maintained in the window Payment Modes in the Banking module.
Collection Agreement In this field, you can enter the agreement number that the current customer has been assigned at the payment agent who is connected to the selected customer payment mode. The field is only used for electronic customer payment modes.
Collection Group No. In this field, you can specify the collection group number to which the current customer belongs. The collection group number is supplied by the payment agent. If the payment mode of the customer is electronic, you must specify a collection group number in this field.