
This section shows the Actions available in the Job Progress workspace.

Top Tab

Field Description
Submit Planning Budget The functionality of this action is similar to that of the action “Submit Budget” in the window Job Budgets.
Approve Planning Budget The functionality of this action is similar to that of the action “Approve Budget” in the window Job Budgets. However, if a new estimate date has been entered in the field “Date” in the card part of the window, a progress history entry will be made for all planning budget lines. The entry will contain the information specified in the island Progress. A similar progress history entry is created for the job. If the estimate required to complete a given task has been specified as “0,” the line will automatically be marked as “Completed” when you select this action. If the estimate date is after the planned ending date of a line marked for automatic allocation in the window Job Planning, an error message is shown, unless the estimated time to completion on the line in question is 0.

When the progress has been approved, the content of this window appears as read-only and shows the latest approved figures in the table part.

Reopen Planning Budget The functionality of this action is similar to that of the action “Reopen Budget” in the window Job Budgets.
New Progress Evaluation This action is used for entering a date and remark and creating a new job progress estimate. It acts as a supplement to the existing functionality of entering the date and remarks in the last line of the History island. This action is mostly relevant in the workspace client where it will prompt the user to enter the date and remarks.

Note on a large project with a large batch of budget lines performance is impacted with this process.

If the Billing Price Based on Actuals and ETC job parameter is enabled on the job, the billing price in the planning budget is updated based on the registered billing price plus any write up/down and estimate to completion. For more details, see the description of the Billing Price Based on Actuals and ETC job parameter.

Calculate Pending Registrations The action has the same behavior as selecting the existing Pending Registrations field, and it calculates the number of hours and cost that are submitted but yet to be approved.
Copy Budget From Template This action copies the budget from the template job.
Update ETC from People Planner

Use this action to update the values in the Estimate to Completion field with allocated hours from People Planner.

This action applies only to budget lines for time activities. You must enter an estimate date, and select the Hours unit.

The action is only available if add-ons for People Planner and Custom Actions are installed and the Enable Custom People Planner Actions system parameter is enabled.

Note on with a large batch of allocations made in People Planner, performance is impacted with this process. However, it is possible to set up a Scheduled Background Task to recalculate job budgets periodically and therefore reduce the need to manually choose this action

Note: Using this action in jobs that are set up to use imported job resource allocations will cause an error.