Print Invoice Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Print Invoice tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Invoice No. Here you can enter a range of invoice numbers of existing invoices. Maconomy will only reprint invoices numbered within this range.
Order No. Here you enter a range of order numbers. Invoices will only be made and printed for sales orders within this range.
Delivery Date In this field, you can specify a range of delivery dates. Only orders on which the latest date in the field “Last Delivery Date” occurring on the lines in the table part is within the specified range are created and printed out.
Company No. In this field, you can enter a range of company numbers. The printout will only include invoices based on orders for which companies within the specified range are responsible.
Bill to Customer Here you can enter a range of bill-to customer numbers. Invoices will only be made and printed for sales orders to be paid by customers within this range.
Customer No. Here you can enter a range of ship-to customer numbers. Invoices will only be made and printed for sales orders for items to be delivered to customers within this range.
Customer Group In this field, you can specify which customer group to include in the printout.
Subscrip. Order No. In this field, you can specify a range of subscription order numbers. Maconomy will only create and print invoices with subscription order numbers within the specified range. The field only applies if the field “Create Subscription Invoices” is marked.
Subscription No. In this field, you can specify a range of subscription numbers. Maconomy will only create and print invoices with subscription numbers within the specified range. The field only applies if the field “Create Subscription Invoices” is selected.
Subscription Group In this field, you can select a subscription group. Maconomy will only create and print invoices to customers within the specified subscription group. The field only applies if the field “Create Subscription Invoices” is marked.
Order Mode In this field, you can choose an order mode Maconomy will only create and print invoices with the specified order mode. This field only applies when creating invoices. It has no effect when reprinting invoices.
Department Here you can select a department. Maconomy will only create and print invoices for sales orders from this department.
Language In this field, you can select a language code. Maconomy will only create and print invoices for sales orders with the selected language code.

You can use the language code to print invoices in different languages. Using Maconomy’s layout editing tools, you can create different language layouts. The combination of language code and layout allows you to print invoices in different languages.

Consignment No. In these fields, you can specify a range of consignment numbers. Maconomy will only create and print invoices for sales orders assigned to a consignment within the specified range.
Destination No. In these fields, you can specify a range of destination numbers. Maconomy will only create and print invoices for sales orders with a destination number within the specified range.
Consignment Date In these fields, you can specify a range of consignment dates. Maconomy will only create and print invoices for sales orders assigned to consignments with a consignment date within the specified range.
Delivery Mode In this field, you can select a delivery mode. Maconomy will only create and print invoices for sales orders with the selected delivery mode.
Delivery Terms In this field, you can select a code for delivery terms. Maconomy will only create and print invoices for sales orders with the selected delivery terms.
Carrier In this field, you can select a carrier. Maconomy will only create and print invoices for sales orders with the selected carrier.
Consignment Type In this field, you can select a consignment type. Maconomy will only create and print invoices for sales orders with the selected consignment type.
Main Order No. In these fields, you can specify a range of order numbers. Maconomy will only create and print invoices for sales orders linked to a main order whose order number is within the specified range.
Include Blanket Invoices If marked, orders that are blanket invoiced are included. The default is marked.

Print Control Island

Field Description
Create Sales Order Invoices Here you choose whether Maconomy is to create invoices for the sales orders in the target group, which are ready to be invoiced.

If the field is marked, Maconomy will print an invoice for every sales order that matches the selection criteria and which is not marked in the field “Invoice in Job Cost,” is ready to be invoiced, that is, items have been delivered but have not been invoiced, and marked in the field “Batch Invoice” in the window Sales Orders or in the field “Invoice” in the window Invoicing Listing.

Create Subscription Invoices Mark this field if you wish to create subscription invoices for subscriptions that match the selection criteria and are ready for invoicing. However, only subscriptions belonging to subscription orders where the field “Batch Invoice” has been marked are included in the batch invoicing.

If you do not mark this field, the fields “Subscrip. Order No.,” “Subscrip. Number,” and “Subscription Group” will be ignored.

Incl. Printed If you mark this field, Maconomy will print invoices which have already been created and which meet the target group specifications.

If you do not mark the field, Maconomy will only reprint invoices for which the “Printed” field in the Show Invoice window in the Accounts Receivable module is blank.

Preferred Inv. Date In this field, you can state a preferred invoice date. If a date is stated, this date will be used as invoice date on the invoices that are created.
Layout In this field, you can select which layout to use for the printout. If no additional layouts for the current printout have been added in the window Print Layout in the Set-Up module, “Standard” is the only option.