Specification of Dimension Reports Workspace

Use this workspace to specify dimension reports so that you can compare G/L and Budget entries for a maximum of three dimensions.

You can then use the specified report to print a balance sheet.

You can use the following dimensions:
  • Company
  • Account
  • Location
  • Entity
  • Project
  • Purpose
  • Specification 1
  • Specification 2
  • Specification 3
  • Local Specification 1
  • Local Specification 2
  • Local Specification 3

The report shows the highest of the selected sum levels furthest to the left, with the subsequent levels indented toward the right.

The lowest sum level of the primary dimension within the selected range is itemized. This means that all entries on the sum level in question are displayed. If sum level 0 is the lowest sum level specified for the report, the report shows account figures at item entry level.

Information and entries are only printed for the three dimensions that you specify. You can further delimit the three dimensions to a certain range of sum levels according to the structure of the dimension in question. Each dimension has a separate workspace in which you define its structure.

You can choose to show a combination of name, description, and sum level of the selected dimensions.

You can further delimit the extent of the report by entering dimension value ranges in the Selection Criteria island in the Specification of Dimension Reports sub-tab.

In the Column Definition 1 island in the Specification of Dimension Reports sub-tab, you specify which information you want to see and how it should be shown. For example, you can choose to see movements in the current dimensions for a certain period, displayed in thousands, or compare budget figures with actuals and committed amounts. In addition, you can use the figures for performing calculations, and you can specify to show the figures with or without tax.

The report runs when you press Enter or click Start. Maconomy asks whether you want to save the report as a file for more processing, for example, in a spreadsheet. If you choose to do so, Maconomy first saves the report and then prints it. If you choose Cancel, Maconomy just prints the report; it does not save it as a file.