Commission Calculation Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Commission Calculation tab.

Run Mode Island

Field Description
Calculate Commission You mark this field if you wish to calculate commission. If you remove the mark, Maconomy will reprint the commission calculated and given the journal number you enter in the field “Journal No.”

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Sales Rep No. Enter a range of sales representative numbers. Commission will only be calculated for sales reps. within this range. If you leave the fields blank, you will include all sales reps. in the commission calculation.
Company No. In this field, you can specify a range of company numbers. The commission calculation will only include invoices and credit memos for which companies within this range are responsible.
Month/Yr. Enter the calendar month and the year for which you wish to calculate commission. Enter the month as a number from 1 to 12, where 1 is January and 12 is December.

Reprint Island

Field Description
Journal No. Enter a journal number if you have not marked the field “Calculate Commission.” Maconomy will reprint the calculation that was given this journal number. You cannot enter a journal number if you are calculating commission. Maconomy retrieves the next available journal number from the window Numbers.

Posting Island

Field Description
Entry Date Enter the entry date for entries to the commission journal that will be created as result of the commission calculation. The entry date must be within the G/L open posting period of the companies involved in the commission calculation. These periods can be found in the "Posting Period Setup" window. The transaction type to look for is either in the field "Trans. Type" (if set) or it is the default transaction type of the Commission journal.
Trans. Type In this field you can enter the transaction type to be used for the entries to the general journal made from the commission calculation. If you enter nothing, a transaction type will be derived.
Number Series Here you can select a transaction number series, created in the window Popup Fields. If you select a number series, it will automatically be retrieved and used for entries to the journal that is created as a result of the commission calculation.
Trans. No. Enter the transaction number to be used for the entries to the journal made from the commission calculation. If you do not enter a Trans. No. and a Number Series, the system will try to derive a Number Series.
Entry Description Enter the text for the entries to the journal made from the commission calculation.

Print Control Island

Field Description
Layout Here you can choose the layout of the printout. The “Standard” layout shows one line per employee, showing commission amount in enterprise currency and what it was calculated from. The “Detailed” layout also shows the invoices and credit memos on which commission was based.
Show Commission by Invoice Line If you mark this field, the commission is specified at line level. The commission list will show the invoice and credit memo lines on which the commission was based. You can only use this field if you have selected “Detailed” in the field “Layout.”