Commission Calculation Workspace

Use this workspace to calculate commission that is based on the commission agreements that you create in the Commission Agreements workspace.

You can calculate commission for employees who are assigned to commission agreements in the given month.

The invoices and credit memos that are dated within the commission period are the basis of the commission agreements. Maconomy calculates commission for employees who are assigned to the agreements. Maconomy divides the sales or profit margin into the target groups and amount limits that you enter for the commission agreements assigned to the employee in the calculation period. Maconomy recalculates the commission basis and then calculates the total commission by calculating the commission from every group based on the commission rate for the target group and the amount limit.

After calculating commission, Maconomy prints a commission listing that displays amounts in enterprise currency, showing the commission and the sales or profit margin from which it was calculated. Maconomy also creates a commission journal with an entry for every commission amount to an employee. The commission is entered to the accounts and any other dimension values to which the dimension combinations in the Commission and Commission Offset fields in the Employee Commission Agreements workspace refer. If you select one or more of the Transfer Location, Transfer Entity, and similar fields in the Commission Calculation island in the Employee Commission Agreements workspace, Maconomy divides the entries by the specified dimensions.

See the Commission Agreements workspace for more information about how Maconomy calculates commissions.