Select Reminder Criteria Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to create reminder selections that you can apply to company-specific customers.

You can only specify one reminder selection per customer at a time. You can also use the Change Reminder Selection workspace to create a reminder selection for a specific customer or to customize an existing selection for a specific customer.

You can also create reminder selections for individual company-specific customers in the Change Reminder Selection workspace.

The procedure for creating, maintaining, and approving reminders is as follows:
  1. Create and print a reminder selection. You create reminder selections for individual company-specific customers in this workspace. If you only need to create a reminder selection for one company-specific customer, you can also do that in the Change Reminder Selection workspace.
  2. Review the selection and revise it, if needed, for the individual customer in the Change Reminder Selection workspace. You can deselect a customer entry if you do not want to send a reminder note to that customer.
  3. You can edit the reminder text that is assigned to the unapproved reminder to make it reminder-specific in the Change Reminder Texts workspace.
  4. Approve the reminder selection in the Change Reminder Selection workspace (for one customer) or in the Approve Reminder Criteria workspace (for a group of customers). When you perform the approval, the reminders are printed in the Approve Reminders workspace.

The interest charge policy that you establish here is general; you can adjust it for individual customers in the Change Reminder Selection workspace. Maconomy does not create a posting journal-with entries to the Accounts Receivable and General Ledger-until you approve reminder charges in the Approve Reminders workspace.

Maconomy creates reminder selections based on the interest charge/reminder principle that you specified on the current company-specific customer's payment information card. For more information about interest charge and reminder principles, see the description of the Interest Charge/Reminder Principles workspace.

Maconomy performs the reminder calculation as follows: All open payments and credit memos are added up. Maconomy then goes through all overdue bills, one by one, in the order in which they were due for payment. All invoices that are covered by a payment or a credit memo are set at reminder level 0. The reminder level is increased on all invoices that are not covered by payments or credit memos-that is, the reminder level is controlled for each individual entry. Maconomy decreases the level when the entry is paid. The company-specific customer's reminder level is the highest reminder level of one of the open entries. If the company-specific customer's reminder level is higher than 0, Maconomy adds a reminder charge, if specified by the reminder code.

When you have reviewed all invoices, Maconomy checks whether the total overdue amount exceeds the reminder limit. You specify the reminder limit for each interest charge/reminder principle in the Interest Charge/Reminder Principles workspace. If the amount due is below the limit, Maconomy sets the reminder level to 0.

Maconomy adds a reminder charge to the company-specific customer balance using a reminder charge and a specification of the number of days that must pass before the same company-specific customer is notified again. You cannot create a reminder selection within this period.

If a company-specific customer's overdue balance is less than the reminder limit, you cannot create a reminder selection for this customer.

If a company-specific customer's overdue balance is less than the reminder limit, you cannot create a reminder selection for this customer.