Collections Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Collections sub-tab.

Field Description
Collection Date This field displays the collection date of the collection order.
Customer No. This field displays the bill-to customer number of the collection order.
Collection No. This field displays the number of the collection order. Maconomy automatically increments the number by one for every new collection generated.
Collected, Currency This field displays the amount of the collection order in the currency of the bill-to customer.
Collected, Base This field displays the amount of the collection order in base currency.
Currency This is the currency of the bill-to customer.
Entered In this field, you can specify if the collection order has been registered, that is, the payment agent has received and acknowledged the collection order. If you fill in this field, the corresponding customer entries will be updated when you select the action “Approve Entries.”
Completed In this field, you can specify if the collection order has been completed by the payment agent. If you fill in this field, the corresponding customer entries will be updated when you select the action “Approve Entries.”
Error Reported In this field, you can specify if errors have been reported for the collection order. If you fill in this field, the corresponding customer entries will be updated when you select the action “Approve Entries.”
Remarks This field displays the any remarks regarding the current collection order.
Payment Agent This is the name of the payment agent selected for the current collection order.
Entry Description This field displays any entry description for the current customer payment.
Ingoing Cust. Payment Transaction No. This field displays the transaction number used in connection with the current customer payment.
Ingoing Cust. Payment Transaction Type This field displays the transaction type used in connection with the current customer payment.